Saturday, November 24, 2007

A tale of 50 quarters

I have become fascinated with quarters - as I now live in an apartment where 'laundry' is done in the basement and requires twelve quarters to wash and dry each load. So I have a 'quarter piggy bank' and am obsessed with hoarding them at every opportunity.

While waiting for the dryer (sometimes you have to stand guard or you lose your slot) I started looking at the back of the coins and the different states on them (in place of the American eagle).

So started my obsession with collecting coins (hangs head in shame). Though it turns out it's not just me - over dinner the other night, M admitted she too collects them - and trades them with nine-year olds back in her hometown. Apparently the US Mint releases the states in the order of their formation (ie Delaware first and Hawaii isn't out yet) at five per year. Gazillions of people are doing the same thing - [if you are desperate to take part check out the Mint's schedule is here].

So M and I are going to get our coins together and trade. Am also looking for a suitable map or holder to put my collection in- I would love a wall map, I have seen a kit to make your own wooden one, though that making my own might just be a bit too geeky...

I'm going to look for one missing state at a time (I did have a list, but that's just too train spotting). Texas is the current one I'm after, though Delaware (as the first is also occupying a small piece of my mind)....

God, what's happening to me????