Saturday, August 27, 2005

Stupid things I have done today

1. Worn shoes that have hurt my feet so they are irreparably damaged (much like a pigeon's - is that why they have gnarly feet - (before anyone sends a postcard in with the answer I know it's not a poor choice of footwear)

2. Got on a bus to find I was next to a really dodgy, heavily-sweating man carrying a huge rucksack, frightened myself and got off bus.

3. Walked along road for ten minutes and got on another bus only to discover it was the same bus that I'd got off earlier. Dodgy bloke, at this point drenched in sweat, still there gripping his bag.

4. Got off bus at Hammersmith and, thanks to nice bus driver (must have slipped through the London Transport training net) got off through front door. So happy to be alive in one piece I skipped off the bus and in doing so smacked my head against the wing mirror.

5. Forgot to post Matty Banana's birthday present (her birthday is the same day as mine and she is my mother, so pretty inexcusable)

6. Told my ex-flatmate I had fallen for him in a totally inappropriate display of emotions

7. Decided to move to Lille for xx days per week

8. Made 14 birthday resolutions (ah, yes any excuse - apart from New Year)