Thursday, October 27, 2005

Drink and online access: Not a good idea

I take back yesterday's post saying I'd never been so tired. *Somehow* this morning I feel worse.

Woke up (with light on, book in hand and something from the mini bar in the other) and I seem to have, rather charitably, done my bit to support the local wine and distillery trade.

Spent the evening drinking with customers, so at the time it seemed to be the right thing to do. Not so sure this morning. Oh, and I also may have spent the early hours stumbling around the internet, so apologies to anyone I sidled up to and just started chatting to/ repeating how much I like you / singing to.

It won't happen again - I should at this point say that I'm going to give up drinking but I think a more realistic way to avoid it is to put my computer away before I go out and get shedded. Indeed.